Kotona ollaan! Mutta vielä
olisi ainakin kolme päivitystä tulossa. Safarireissu, Sansibar ja isompi
postaus siitä, mitä kaikkea ollaan opittu. Aloitetaan nyt vaikka näillä
safarikuvilla. Kävimme siis neljän päivän safarilla Serengetissä, Ngorongorossa
ja Lake Manyaralla. Messissä oli huippujoukko ihmisiä Amerikasta, Kanadasta ja
Suomesta. Täytyy sanoa, että tää oli yksi elämän hienoimmista
reissuista. Luonnon kauneus veti hiljaiseksi. Tässä tapauksessa kuvat kertovat enemmän kuin tuhat
sanaa, mutta silti kaikkea ei voi edes niiden avulla kuvailla.
Home sweet home, back in Finland! But there are still at least three new posts coming about safari, Sansibar and one bigger post about all the stuff we have learned. Let's start with these safari pics! We went to four days safari to Ngorongoro, Serengeti and Lake Manyara with girls from USA and Canada. We have to say that this trip one of most greatest adventures we have ever had. The beauty of nature left us speechless. In this case pictures tell more than thousand words but still there are many things which we can't explain with neither words nor photos.
Home sweet home, back in Finland! But there are still at least three new posts coming about safari, Sansibar and one bigger post about all the stuff we have learned. Let's start with these safari pics! We went to four days safari to Ngorongoro, Serengeti and Lake Manyara with girls from USA and Canada. We have to say that this trip one of most greatest adventures we have ever had. The beauty of nature left us speechless. In this case pictures tell more than thousand words but still there are many things which we can't explain with neither words nor photos.
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